Wednesday, March 4, 2009



before i start to write my blog
the first thing i wanna say is..

TO : PHAIK YING ( my lovely dearly friendly buddy )
im sooooooooo

sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry
sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry
sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry

why i said that to her ?
the story.. started..
Phaik : hey sky, wanna go my house study ? now ?
Sky : allah , i haven makan lerhh now ? too fast la
Phaik : emm ?? then okie lar, 4pm i go fetch u
Sky : okie

phaik ying had fetch me go her house
and we actually didnt go study but play
dunno why still go there for wat

phaik ying and i went out..
cuz i wanna play bicycle
phaik ying agree
after playing..
then is time to fetch me back home

phaik ying always fetch me but i didnt fetch her before
so , i decided want to fetch her this time
that's the first time i fetch people
okie, still left half way then reach my house edi !!
so happy~

suddenly.. i dunno why ..
my mind suddenly blanked
bicycle also out of control..
got a car infront on it..
omg omg omg, wat should i do ?

"phaik !! are u alright? "
" omg, phaik, i feel so sorry . i should drive.."
" omg, phaik, ur skin come out liao "
" omg, i felt soo sorry regret..."
" phaik ying, im so sorry.. "

" aii yoooo, very pain arh my leg"
" omg, blue black already "
" kar yen ? u ler? got kena ?"
" wa, u also kena, nvm la.. "
" if u didnt kena but only me.. i sure scold u "
" but since u teruk then me.. nvm la "

until.. i dont dare 2 cycle it until we walk back to my house

" allah, im not girlish ppl la.. not very pain also "
" just blood only , also haven die yet"

back home. wait until phaik ying on9
i keep on apologize 2 her.. really very sorry

tomorrow got geo and bc exam
now, also no mood 2 study for it
i just wish that i can pass then can d
bcuz , of that happened..

and oh yea..
mayb im goin2 wear slipper to school
if u guys saw that..
allah just kena a bit bit..
but if wear shoes then pain la..
then mayb perfer wear slipper
hehe =D

wat a .. "study day"

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