Sunday, May 10, 2009

T-A-G-G-E-D =D

Nothing to do x]
Tagged by Minhui Hong =]

Have your parents ever caught you drinking?
Yea, When i was drinking Coke.

Do you love the last boy/girl you were talking to?

Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
If is lengzai , i'll x]

What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Doing science revision.

Honestly, who was the last person to tell you that they love you?
Lol .

Last restaurant you went to?
新源隆 *kota damansara

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Elaine * my 2nd sister.

Did you have an exciting last weekend?
Yup ! went to phaik's house play with austin =]

Have you ever crawled through a window?
Never, but i wish too =]

What do you spend most of your money on?
Food and crappy =]

Where were you at 1AM sunday morning?
My room.

Ever kissed someone over 30?

Is there a secret you've never told your parents?
Yup, scared they "burst out" x]

Do you like yourself?
When i enjoy my life.

Have you ever dyed your hair?

Are you wearing a necklace?

Who is someone you wish you could fix things with?
Lengzai .

Are you an emotional person?

What's something that can always make you feel better?
Pearl Tea.

Did your parents spoil you as a child?
Lol, yupp.

Do you still have pictures of you & your ex?

How's your heart lately?
Em, normal as usual .

Will this weekend be a good one?
I always enjoy every weekend =]

Are you a cuddler?
Huh ?

What do you want right now?
No need to study

Who can always cheer you up?

Have you ever gone nude/streaked in public?
Nearly x]

Who hugged you last?

Have you ever worn the opposite sex's clothing?

Has someone ever spread a nasty rumor about you?

What is your relationship status?

Who was the last person to come to your house?
My kor kor's friends

Look behind you, what do you see?
A mountain of books *but not mine.

How many rooms does your house have?

What would you name your future daughter?
A nice name.

Have you ever worked in a food place?
Yupp !! Chicken rice's shop =D

What did you eat for lunch today?
Jagong ( Maize ).

Whats on your schedule for tomorrow?
No schedule, always let god decide x]

The last song you heard?
Miss Independent x]

What do you think of love?
Have the sweet moment with him

When is the last time you went to a party?
2years ago. i think x]

Do you still talk to any of your ex's?
Lol ? Sure.

If you had to eat 1 thing for the rest of your life, what?

Have you dated anyone on your top 4?

Has your number 2 on your friends ever made you cry?

How often do you drive?
Haven reach 18

Where did you last drive to?

Describe your bestfriend?
Nobody can replace =]

Who was the last person to touch you?
Suet Li * my 3rd Sister

How did you and your number 1 become friends?
We same class when form2 tht time.

How late did you stay up last night and why?
12am , playing with my hp.

What's the connection between you and the last person you texted?

Do you like someone?

Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with an S?
Lol ? GOT ! SIAO * lim syau x]

How's your life lately?
Horrible Terrible, haven finish my project.

Do you know anyone that is currently locked up?

Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?

What do you think about the current gas prices?
No idea.

Do you think that you’re a good person?
Yea ! x]

Have you ever loved someone so much that it hurt?

Are you happier single or in a relationship?

Have you ever flirted with a friends crush?
Nope. Very Jin Kak

Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Do you hate the last girl you were talking to?
Lol, Nope. i love her too =]

When is the last time you took a nap?
No idea.

Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
Mine la=.=

Have you kissed anyone in the last week?

What are you listening to?
Take Me With You - Secondhand Serenade

Is there one place you'd like to visit?
Yup ! Phaik's house =D

Have you held hands with anyone today?

Do you like winter time?
Yup. =]

Do you regret anything?
Yup. =[

What are you excited about?
I didnt feel any excited -.-

Plans for today?
Not going to study =]

Seven days from now will you be in a relationship?

What are you doing tomorrow?
At school, cit cat with my friend.

How many different people of the opposite sex have you cried over?
Huh !? no idea.

Where is your number one person on your friends list?
Everyone ? =]

Do you want to dance?
Yup !! when im hyper =]

What are your plans for the weekend?
2day ? Stay at home =[ mami's day

What do you notice first about a guy?
The way they speak x]

Something interesting happen lately?

Last time you took a shower?

What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?

When was the last time you talked to your most recent ex?

Do you like where you live?
Not really. cuz no PS3 =[

Where did your last hug take place?
No where.

Where are you right now, and how do you feel about where you are?
Living room, BORED.

Who was the last person to hold your hand?

Are you a jealous person?

Did you have a good birthday this year?
Lol, my birthday haven come yet.

Are you tired right now?
Nope, but hot.

Do you chew on your straws?
Yup. x]

Do you lead people on?

Do you have curly hair?
Yes. very ugly =[

Is there anyone who doesn't like you because of something you didn't do?

Have you kissed anyone today?
Nope. -.-

Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?

Last person you cried over?

Do you cry easily?
Nah, im not cry baby.

Do you have any brothers?
the ONLY O-N-E =D

What do you think of them?
Seldom chat with him.

Where did you go today?
No where.

What should you be doing right now?
Study .

Are you a heavy sleeper?

When was the last time you hand washed the dishes?

Name everyone that made you smile today?
Today arh ? No Idea.

Who was the last person to put their arm around you?
My Sister.

Three feelings at the moment?
Bored + Boring + Sien

What are you listening to right now?
Gives You Hell - The All American Rejects.

Highlight of your week?
Huh ?

Who were the last people you ate with?
My Family

What really makes you mad?
When im doing maths HW

Ever had a drunken night in Mexico?

What are your plans for tonight?
GO PM !! ( Pasar Malam )

What does the seventeenth text message in your inbox say?
Huh ? No idea.

What's the last piercing you got?
Dont know.

If I looked on the bed next to you, what would I find?
Teddy bear.

Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed?
=.= stupid ques.

Are your underwear and socks folded in your drawer or just thrown in?
Thrown in.

Sleep on your back or stomach?

What would I find if I looked UNDER your bed?

Something that happened today that made you angry?
Yea, Kena Kacau-ed when playing piano.

What were you doing before this survey?

What will you do after the survey?
Go bath.

What shirt are you wearing now?

Do you sing?

Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
Depends .

Is there something you regret and wish you could take back?

First thing you do when you wake up?
Close the alarm clock.

Ever had surgery?

Last argument you got into with?

What's one good thing about your best friend?
Good Secret Keeper.

How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night?
1hour. sometimes 30seconds.

When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep?

If you were given the chance to take care of a monkey for a weekend, would you?
Lol, yea. i'll play around with its.

What is the current advertisement on the side of the screen?
Sony Camera.

What are you looking forward to in the next few months?
Dint think about it .

It's Wednesday afternoon, where are you usually?
Go Phaik's house, go see my brother.

Have ANYONE in the world, who would it be?
My best friend =] * HMH

need a new pair of jeans, what store do you go to first?

How do you feel about your hair?
Made myself very hot.

What movie is in your DVD player?
HongKong drama.

If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move?
A peaceful place.

The greatest thing that happened to you today?

How many TRUE best friends do you have?
No idea.

What would you change about your life right now?
Become smarter.

What’s the best feeling in the world?
Enjoy happiness with all my friends =]

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