If I'm a guy,
I have no idea who am i going to choose.
I have no idea who am i going to choose.
Hot girls from Girl Generation.
i had spotted 2 hot girls.
i had spotted 2 hot girls.
Tae Yeon.
Seoh Yun.
They really got me.
They're really in my hot girl list.
If I'm a guy.
Don't be mistaken.
I'm 1000% not Les.
I'm 1000% not Les.
Hot girl's Tips.
1. Tall enough.
2. Charming enough.
3. Look mature.
4. Doesn't look acting cute.
5. Walk confidently.
6. Just Being Urself.
7. Friendly enough.
8. Pose nicely.
That's what i think a HOT girl should have.
Don't you think the same way i am ? :D
Don't you think the same way i am ? :D
Seoh Yun.
Tae Yeon.
Who are u going to choose?
Hard to decide.
I knowwwww ! (:
Guys' Time !
Video, just watch. That's Subtitle translate to English.
No harm but benefits.
I had watched this video last year.
but flash back,
watch it again. i started have a BIG BIG *crush* on SiWon.
Name SiwonHe's totally adorable + cute.
but the one i love the most among the super junior Is, Kyu hyun.
He's totally my 10000% guy.
When the first sight i saw him in the video "Super Girl"
I'm totally In him.
His eyes had SOT-ED me very very lovely. awwwwwwwww !
scream for him ! MY GUY.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Enjoy !